In the world there is many ugly phones. Some are uglier than others and some are perfectly designed and look beautiful. I have looked around the internet for a list of ugliest phones and I know some of you readers can relate to these phones. After all, most people had at least one ugly phone.
10. Bang & Olufsen Serenata

This luxury phone was made with B&O teaming up with Samsung and has the same music player capabilies as it's predecessor the Serene. It all seems impractical as the input keys are placed over the screen and there not being any number and text keys. Instead you have to use the iPod-like wheel for selecting. It's specifications aren't that bad but that is no excuse for the impractical and weird design.
9. Nokia N-Gage

It has a D shape with a tiny screen in the middle of it with big buttons on the sides of it. It has a dodgy game design but as far as I'm concerned this phone is not even good for games. It's just ugly! But what can you expect from Nokia.
8. Nokia 7600

Another Nokia... Why do they keep wasting their time with odd designs and just make a top-class phone that could compete with the Samsung Galaxy S2, the iPhone 4 and the HTC Sensation. Seriously this phone looks like a Boomerang or something.
7. Nokia 6810
A very stupid attempt to give Qwerty Keyboard to a phone like this by Nokia. But not that it improves any of the ugliness in in this phone. In fact, it adds up to it.
6. F88 Wrist Phone

This stupid piece of sh*t is a... WHAT IT'S A PHONE? Oh okay then... Well with this "cellphone" you can take pictures, check the time (obviously for a phone on the wrists) and call people. But I don't even wanna imagine the akwardness of taking a call with this phone on the train by holding your wrist to your ears or taking picture by putting your arm on a weird position. And to make things worse, the keypad is at the strap of the phone.
5. Panasonic G70/Siemens Xelibri

First thoughts: "That's a f*cking PHONE?!" Okay, jokes aside, this phone is pretty handy. Well only if your a girl and want to suprise your lady friends by letting them think it's for face-powdering and opening it as a phone. OMG! I would love to see the suprise on their faces, RIGHT?
4. Hong Jeong's Dual LCD Cellphone

This is the Nintendo DS Phone! Nah, I'm only joking! This is the Dual-LCD Cellphone made by Korean Inventor Seok Hong Jeong. Two screens with two huge borders, that are bigger than the screens themselves, around it left crazy Hong Jeong unheard of after he made this cellphone.
3. StarTAC Rainbow

This phone is legendary! It's a clam shell phone with touchscreen and an antenna hanging out. Although it looks like it's made of legos, this phone made history with being the FIRST clam shell phone. There's only a few in the world and its price is increasing. But for me, it seems like a phone overprotective parents, who are strict against phones for kids, would buy their children and the children, obviously, would get embarrased with this phone.
2. S302 zte

This ugly, huge buttoned brick-phone is perfect for you grandparents or other old relatives. It has a calculator, which is kind of obvious from its design, phonebook and about 300 hours standby battery time. But any kid or adult having this will be picked on for as long as he/she has the phone.
1. Vertu Bucheron Cobra

The ugliest phone! Yes, it's a Nokia but this one is different to the others. It has an cobra shape round the outside with two diamonds, two emeralds for eyes and 439 rubies and wait till your see the price. OVER $300,000. Well, I do know a few people who would wanna buy this phone. But luckily, only few of these were ever made.
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